Now Premiering on CBS
In season 1 of #SOTHRIVE with Tiffany Hendra, we follow the journey to a private wellness resort in Belize to document “experiential therapy.” Many life-altering ancient Mayan and tropical adventures were documented for the purpose of learning to adapt to a post-covid lifestyle. Tiffany explores how the world is overcoming fear, making better food choices, finding joy in the small things, exploring mindfulness & spirituality and so much more!
Season 1 Ep. 1
"When the world told me no... I created my OWN POSSIBILITIES."
A Modern Day Mayan Medicine Woman shares the ancient Mayan secrets to wellness while traveling the jungles of Belize and Guatemala.
Season 1 Ep. 2
"So that's how you guide your wellness... you just LIVE IT every day."
Discover wellness secrets of the Minnonites of Belize. The first cameras allowed into this tight knit community.
Season 1 Ep. 3
"There's an Energy Vortex in that Pyramid."
Tiffany experiences an emotional release, Mayan style during a Traditional Heyman Ceremony passed down from generations.

"Take Your Shoes Off"
Tiffany Hendra interviews Derrick DeSilva, Jr. MD about making and reaching small attainable goals for better wellness. In this episode, she asks Dr. DeSilva all about "Grounding" and the science behind the physical benefits.
"How's Your Liver?"
Tiffany Hendra continues the powerful conversation with Derrick DeSilva, Jr. MD IN THIS EPISODE, "The 2 MOST overlooked systems of the body" are highlighted as well as helping them function properly.

5 Minutes for Change
Tiffany Hendra explains her "A-Tiffany" about the food-body wellness connection, and how she took only 5 minutes daily to change her life.
Finding the New Me
A true and emotional story about how TV personality and lifestyle coach, Tiffany Hendra hit rock bottom before "Finding her NEW self."
Take the "Woo Woo" Out of WooWoo"
Tiffany Hendra takes the "woo woo" out of meditation and describes the many benefits of bringing meditation into your life.
"I See You, Fear"
Learn how TV Host and personality and Housewives of Dallas cast member reduces stress, fear and anxiety with these simple tips.
Creating #GenerationWellness
Real Housewives TV personality and lifestyle coach Tiffany Hendra offers the knowledge of making small changes for big lifestyle results through My Wellness by Nature Wellness Paths.
"I Need a Lot of God and a Lot of COFFEE"
Learn how TV Host and personality and Housewives of Dallas cast member reduces stress, fear and anxiety with these simple tips.
The Power of Kindness
TV personality & lifestyle coach, Tiffany Hendra challenges us to an incredible "Immune system boosting challenge" with a simple act of kindness.
"Thoughts Are Things"
Tiffany Hendra shows us the power of positivity in our thoughts and comments with this easy and fun 24 hour challenge for promoting positive thinking while reducing the negative ones that hold us back.